Friday, August 8, 2014

Aug. 7th - Pierre's

This morning the generator that provides the power to the docks stopped working so everyone has been using their own generators today. Pierre doesn't know when he will get the main generator up & running again.
The marina is full today & there were 88 people who attended the barbequed prime rib dinner tonight. There are a lot of Seattle Yacht Club boats here so someone organized a table for us all to sit at for the dinner. It was fun meeting people who we had not met before.
Our friend, Jan Harper, arrived on Kenmore Air Harbor's plane at 12:30. Some friends of ours from Shelter Bay, Jim & Linda Barrett, were on the same plane headed to Port McNeil to pick up a boat that Jim was taking back to La Conner to have some work done on. Rod talked to Jim while the plane was there & they are going to use our dock until he can take the boat in to La Conner Maritime to get some work done.
We spent the afternoon visiting with Jan, getting caught up, & spent time sitting up on the flybridge as the weather was great in the afternoon.

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