Saturday, August 2, 2014

Aug. 2nd - Pierre's

Woke up to what seems to be the standard fog & high 50's for here in the mornings. Looked at a video that Rod made of Nikki starting the fire yesterday. It's amazing to watch, even after seeing her do it twice (this year & last). Be sure to have us show you when we get home. The file is too big to send out.
Another story that I forgot to tell yesterday is about Buster, Billy Proctor's new dog. By the way, for those that don't know, Billy is in his late 80's & has lived here all his life. He was a logger & has a museum on his property that is quite interesting. He also has written books that he sells. Anyway, Buster is a puppy & loves to run over to Pierre's to visit Pierre's white poodle, Echo, as well as all the other boat dogs here. It's maybe a half mile run from here. Nikki picked him up when she came to get us yesterday, as he's not supposed to be coming over here...guess Buster doesn't understand that!
Also forgot to mention that there is an amazing woodcarver, Tim Motchman, here for the weekend displaying his work & his wife has her paintings up too. They live in Sointula BC & are boaters. His website is I think we're going to buy some of his pieces.
The fog took longer to lift today - it was close to 1:30 before the sun came out & it got to a high of 70, but felt much warmer. Everybody was walking the dock & visiting. There is an old wooden 1972 Grand Banks across from us & he has a cat on board that jumps on & off - he can really jump high & usually jumps over the railing. His name is Brandy (he's 7, Chardonnay is 16). This afternoon he jumped on our boat & he and Chardonnay were nose to nose sniffing each other. It's the first time that our cat hasn't hissed & tried to chase another cat away. Brandy has visited several times & Chardonnay just follows him around on the deck until Brandy decides to leave. According to his owner, he's not used to other cats being nice to him so we'll see if he continues to come over. He usually jumps up higher on our boat & stares at our cat who then starts meowing because he wants him to come down to his level.
Tonight was the pig roast & everyone brings side dishes. I made our marinated 4 bean salad. The marina was full - the pig roast is a big draw. There were lots of side dishes including appetizers, salads, vegetable dishes, corn breads & desserts. It was quite the feast.
Afterwards a speaker talked about going up to the rainforest further north of here on the way to Alaska & the spirit bears also known as the kermode bear. He took a group of National Geographic photographers with him & they published an article about the Spirit Bear a few years ago. It was very interesting.

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