Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Aug. 11th - Sullivan Bay Marina

We left Jennis at 8:00 this morning to get through some rapids at 8:30. It was very foggy when we left but it lifted around the time we got to Sullivan a little after 9:00. When we got here we first went to the store & got a great assortment of veggies. Rod bought some more coffee & liquor when he went to sign the boat in. You can put food on the boat bill, but not liquor or cigarettes - those you have to pay with cash or credit card, not sure why. After we brought the groceries back to the boat, Jan & I walked the docks. We checked out the boats & there are some very nice float homes here. One has a helicopter pad on the roof - the helicopter was there & Rod got pictures of it taking off this afternoon.
This afternoon we taught Jan how to play Mexican Train up on the flybridge. That meant that we actually got Rod to play with us & he won! Jan got sucked in very quickly & loved it. In fact, I believe that she actually called me the "B" word three times!!! Unfortunately I was behind most of the time & talked Jan into joining me drinking wine to drown my sorrows...I think about 1:30 as I was quite depressed. I did end up in 2nd place at least. We played 13 games, which is how many games you play to finish.
Tonight we had my marinated flank steak for dinner with rice & salad. Jan brought two great bottles of red wine with her & we had the 2nd one tonight.
I forgot to mention that a couple of nights ago we watched "The Next Three Days" with Russell Crowe, for those that are anxiously awaiting our movie critiques. It was great!
Another interesting thing that I wanted to mention, is that when we were at Jennis, we kept hearing this REALLY loud noise that sounded like a large group of birds all yelling at the same time. I asked the marina manager if she knew what they were - it was loons. They apparently hang out behind an island right in front of the marina. We kept hearing that noise, on & off, all afternoon.

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