Tuesday, July 29, 2014

July 29th - Waddington Bay

Woke up to bright sun & 62 at 6:30 this morning, 1st day of no fog in awhile - up on the flybridge by 10:30. Finished my 3rd book, not a lot but have been doing a variety of things to keep busy. So far we've seen a very noisy heron flying around the bay, an eagle, a seal, sea gulls & what look like crows. 5 boats left this morning.
The wind picked up later in the morning in the bay - up to 13 knots. A girl off the Deerleap was out kayaking & we saw the dinghy off the other Grand Banks towing her back into the bay & to her boat. The Deerleap fishing boat came back in around 1:00 & after they offloaded people we saw it go over to the GB with "the rescued kayaker" & deliver a salmon - must have been a thank you from their catch...very nice! Saw the couple taking picures of the fish with their camera & Ipad before he started to fillet it.
We had some excitement this afternoon - wind got up to 20 knots (very different than the flat calm water yesterday) & Rod fortunately saw that our boat was drifting (based on our relationship to the other GB), we had dragged anchor & we were getting close to the shore which is rocky. Rod had to reset the anchor & now the alarm is on in case it slips again. The wind had been blowing most of the afternoon. 6 boats came in during the day so we're up to 11. Several came in & then left, possibly because it was so windy or they wanted more room between boats, not sure.
Our dinner was barbequed steak, baked potato & asparagus. Movies tonight were: The Company Men - Ben Affleck, Kevin Costner, Tommy Lee Jones and Magic of Belle Isle with Morgan Freeman. Wind didn't really die down until 9:30 & then it was 3-4 knots, much better than earlier.

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