Thursday, July 17, 2014

July 17th - Cortez

We're here for another day as the wind is still blowing. Mike & Carol called last night & are staying where they are too. It's supposed to be good tomorrow so if things don't change we'll leave tomorrow. It was 60 at 7:30 this morning. A couple of boats left this morning that were on the orher side of the dock from us. Thought we might have a view for awhile but a 53' Selene pulled in to take their places - they're new members of SYC (you fly a special flag to identify you so people will introduce themselves) from Bainbridge Island.
We went to check out the caretakers vegetable garden this morning - it's there for the members to pick too. There's a wide assortment of things - different lettuces, kale, tomato plants, herbs & peas & I'm sure there were other things I didn't recognize. It's such a nice thing for them to do! They started planting it last year. I picked several kinds of lettuce.
It only got up to 70 today. The winds are supposed to calm down tomorrow so our plan is to leave for Rebecca Spit in the morning.
One of our friends arrived tonight - they came down from Port McNeil. Boats have been hunkered down there for several days waiting for the winds to calm down. We originally met Andrea's parents here at Cortez & she was on the boat helping them. She and her husband, Steve, live in Maui. Her father passed away a few years ago & her mom is in a nursing home in Port Angeles. I remember when we met them, her dad had just bought a new 55' Fleming. He was in his late 80's & Rod wanted to be just like him when he reached that age. They had a condo at MKV where we stay every year & we used to have lunch with Andrea & her mom, Pinky, when we were there. Now Andrea & her husband take the boat out every summer.

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